Scientology. Hoo boy. Where to start? First off, I'll say this. I don't like Scientology. Actually, I think it's an obvious cult that uses horrible coercive techniques and frivolous lawsuits to advance it's cause.
So what do they actually believe? (Any actual scientologists that have not reached OTIII will want to look away now. Actually, on second thoughts, read it. Maybe you'll realise how stupid your shitty cult is)
Evil alien called Xenu used psychiatrists to call in billions of people for tax inspections, where they were instead drugged and kidnapped. He took them all to Earth in space DC-8s and stacked them around volcanoes, whence he nuked them. He then captured their souls using special electronic traps. He then showed these souls propaganda videos to make them believe in mainstream religions. This caused them to bundle together in groups of a few thousand each to cram into the same bodies because so few people were left alive. Xenu was then overthrown and imprisoned in a forcefield powered by an eternal battery. Today, 75 million years later, he's still alive.
Yes, this is actually the core of their doctrine. You just can't make this shit up. Well, actually, you can... Here's a selection of quotes from the founder of Scientology
"You don't get rich writing science fiction. If you want to get rich, you start a religion." - L. Ron Hubbard
"I'd like to start a religion. That's where the money is!" - L. Ron Hubbard, again
"Y'know, we're all wasting our time writing this hack science fiction! You wanta make real money, you gotta start a religion!" - Guess who? L. Ron Hubbard
"Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wanted to make a million dollars, the best way to do it would be start his own religion." - Hey look! It's this L. Ron Hubbard guy again!
"THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them." - L. Ron Fucking Hubbard.
Well, have a look at that. Kinda makes you see it in a new light, doesn't it? Actually, probably not, but now at least you have some evidence.
I don't want to write too much on this, mainly because it's been covered better and more in depth elsewhere. Goto if you want to find out more about the cult.
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