Sunday 21 October 2012

Another 10 from that list

21. The concept that life came about through sheer chance is as absurd & improbable as a tornado blowing through a junk yard, consequently assembling a Boeing 747!

This is arguing against reason 12 from the last post. Just because you think it's absurd doesn't make it wrong. I know quantum mechanics feels absurd, but it's an accurate - up to a point - representation of what we perceive to be reality.

22. We are willing to believe in physically unseen waves that exist through the air, operating physical forces & appliances to work, yet not supernatural God forces being responsible for the same.

I plug my computer, which requires electricity, in to the socket, and it works. I have evidence that it does - I can operate the device that demonstrably depends on it. But no matter how hard you will it, "supernatural God forces" won't power it.

23. Matter cannot organise itself. An uneaten tomato will not progress on its own accord to form a perfect pineapple. It will transform into mould, into disorganisation. The laws of evolution fall flat.

Matter can organise itself - crystals are a prime example. And again, for what feels like the millionth time I've said this, EVOLUTION IS A FACT. DEAL WITH IT.

24. Our ‘inventor’ of evolution, Mr. Charles Darwin had this to say to Lady Hope when he was almost bedridden for 3 months before he died; “I was a young man with unfathomed ideas. I threw out queries, suggestions. wondering all the time over everything, and to my astonishment the ideas took like wildfire – people made a religion of them.” Darwin then asked Lady Hope to speak to neighbours the next day. “What shall I speak about?” She asked. He replied; “Christ Jesus and his salvation. Is that not the best theme?”
This is ignoring the fact that that could have easily been sarcasm. Plus this story seems to be apocryphal - there is no evidence that any of it happened.

25. Where do our moral values held within our conscience come from? If the atheist is right, why then would we care about what we did?! If there is no God, then we’ve no-one to be accountable to.
Why can't we be accountable to those around us? And if you thought there was no God, would you go around murdering and raping all the time? If not, then you don't need a God to be moral. And if so, you are a scociopath.

26. If man has evolved from an animal, why doesn’t he behave like an animal? Yet man is civilised.
We are actually still animals - the idea that we are somehow separate from them is baseless. What does civilised mean? Are we really civilised? And why should that fact influence our belief in a god?

27. ‘Chance’ isn’t the cause of something. It just describes what we can’t find a reason for.

Strawman ahoy! Chance is merely what we say when an event is probabilistic in nature - that the outcomes are either intrinsically too complicated for us to work out, such as atmospheric turbulence, or that the event is inherently random, such as whether a particular atom will undergo radioactive decay.

28. Science & logic do not hold all the answers – many people are aware of forces at work which we have no understanding of & no control over.
Just because many people think they are aware of these "forces" does not mean they exist. Even ignoring that, just because we have no control over something does not mean science applies. We have a pretty good understanding of how black holes form, but we can't make one.

29. Look at the date/year on our calender – 2000 years ago since what? Our historical records (other than the Bible) record evidence of Jesus’ existence.

No. No they don't. Show me some contemporary accounts of this Jesus guy, and then we'll talk.

30. Many people have died for their faith. Would they be prepared to do this for a lie?!

They didn't think it was a lie, did they? Nazis died for their ideology, so by that same argument their ideals must have been true.

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