Saturday 20 October 2012

Next ten!

11. What created God? What came first, the chicken or the egg? I am not going to deny the existence of the chicken or the egg, merely because I don’t understand or know what came first. I don’t care – they both exist!

This actually refutes reason 4 from the last post. Ignoring that, eggs came first. Eggs were around long before the existence of birds, never mind chickens. Plus the statement at the end is still unproven - where is the evidence?

12. Improbability is not the same as impossibility. You only have to look at life itself for that backup of proof.

Refutation of reason 5 from the last post. The first sentence also contains implicit special pleading - they want to apply it to the assertion of the existence of their god, but they wouldn't like it if I threw that logic back at them as a reason to believe in Odin or Cthulhu.

13. How could the complexity of human life possibly evolve on its own accord out of mindless cells?

Just because you don't know doesn't mean it's impossible. Besides that, evolution is fact. Until you provide legitimate evidence to the contrary, it will stay that way.

14. How could the complexity of the human mind possibly evolve on its own accord out of mindless cells? Where does our consciousness come from?

Why can't consciousness emerge from individual unconscious elements? Aeroplanes fly, but we don't expect individual nuts and bolts to fly, do we? In the same way, the emergent process of consciousness does not require individual conscious parts.

15. What/who knew that our hunger & thirst had to be catered for by the food & drink which we’re supplied with?

Hurrrr, this one is easy. If we couldn't eat or drink, the species wouldn't have lived past a week. Of course food and drink are suitable for our consumption - it's a bit like finding out that our skulls are just the right size to fit our brains in.Well, duh.

16. Most of us are born with the five senses to detect our surroundings, which we’re provided with.

Again, of course we can. If we couldn't, the species couldn't survive, hence we wouldn't be here to discuss this. Why is it surprising to think that we have qualities that help us survive? Does this mean that the existence of blind and deaf people mean you shouldn't believe in god?

17. What/who knew that had Earth been set nearer to the sun, we would burn up?
18. What/who knew that had Earth been set any further from the sun, we would freeze up?
19. What/who knew that had Earth been built larger or smaller, its atmosphere would be one where it would not be possible for us to breathe?
20. What/who knew that we require the oxygen of plants, just as plants require the carbon dioxide of us?

Yet more of these arguments. Look, now I'll just point you to the anthropic princple. That should clear this up. Even discounting those easy explanations, that is still only a "god of the gaps" argument.

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